Hello, nice of you to come back for another read. What is that? Get on with the blog you say? Surely there's no hurry? Oh, you don't have the time? You want to skip to the end first and not read all of the "boring stuff"? Crikey, you must be one of them cheaters I hear so much about!
You know the sort....
You're crouching in a nice secluded area, ambush all set up, C4 planted, like some kind of modern day tiger of the gaming jungle. Just waiting now for your prey. Then you'll strike. Fast as lightning and more deadly than a powered up Pac-man. Oh, here comes a target now.... He'll never see it coming, it's a perfect trap... Mwuhahahaha. Finger on the explosive trigger, wait just a few more seconds... I can hear him coming. BLAM BLAM!!! What the hell?!!! How the hell did he know I was there???!!! He just walking in, came round the corner and blasted me with a shotgun before tottering off again! He didn't even blink. (Sound of sobbing) My beautiful plan... all ruined....
Well, it's possible that someone had triggered a radar, UAV or something similar. Or it's possible they've hacked the game and he can see through walls!
The sick-eth sense
Yep, as amazing as this news is, it's true! Some people in the world don't want to put the effort in. Some people like to get ahead by using dis-honesty. Yep some people even enjoy the power over you, getting an advantage to make them superior. Wow, what a world we live in! (Next you'll be telling me that people have wars over religion).
Online and up to no good
Those amongst us who take cheating to the multiplayer online arena are some of the most hated people on the planet. If they all lived in a country somewhere I'm positive that a coalition of the world's armies would unite (Chinese alongside American, English alongside Argentinian) and invade it with the full and unwavering support of the UN. (The UN resolution would read something like: For crimes against the liberty loving gamers of this great planet, namely the introduction and precipitation of aimbots, the use of exploits and the use of glitches to access superior fighting positions, the league of United Nations makes it's unilateral declaration of war against Cheatsland).
It ain't fair and it's not funny to be killed from UNDERNEATH a map, or through a wall etc. Unfortunately some people decide "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" and go straight off to do the same. This is why cheating will always be a problem.
The way I look at it is this; I game for fun and wouldn't enjoy a game any more if I was cheating, however I also believe that if someone can use genuine skill to access a place (from which they can still be killed) then there is nothing wrong with that, as long as they can't see through walls or kill you with one side-ways glance that is!
Trash Talk
One thing cheating has given rise to is this, "Hey man, there's no way you could have killed me, you must be a frickin' cheat." Ever been on the receiving end of a twitch headshot? Ever thought how the heck did he do that? He must be a cheat! Well, no, actually he was probably a) lucky or b) an expert. Let's face it, some people play games 24/7 and become pretty much at one with the joy pad. They feel a game's nuances like Neo feels the Matrix. Still, it's nice to have an excuse, saves us admitting that someone is better than us!
Do you have any cheating experiences? I'd be interested in hearing them. Post me a comment and tell the world! (Well, a few people at least!).
Thanks for reading, keep spawning...
Ps. Here's a quick link to see what I'm talking about http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=tJHd9_ECNOw
UNOFFICIAL RULES OF GAMING: #1 The shotgun will always be short range and powerful while pistols are deadly accurate and pathetically weak.
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